Sunday, September 26, 2010

Zombie : A Love Story Chapter 3

Saturday Morning 10:05am Joy and Chazz's House

"How much yarn do you really need?" Chazz asked Joy, as they packed up their truck.

"Enough for at least a week. We don't know how long til the Zombies get here. And no idea when the yarn shops will open back up. Plus, what happens if someone screws up and we end up in some post-apocalypse nightmare?" Chazz just rolled his eyes. Stress makes people think of strange things.

"Ok, you bring what fits after some clothes and tools, and the dogs, and the non-perishables from the pantry." Joy nodded. She really wanted to crawl back in bed and pretend that morning hadn't happened.

Saturday Morning 10:10am Jess' House

Erik finally arrived, to Jess' relief. She was shaking still, and crying. Erik watched the footage, in it's edited form, as the news station played it over and over and over again. He felt sick. Jess was curled up against him on the couch, and he was trying to make her eat something.

Now what would they do? He'd lost his best friend...and so had Jess.

Saturday Morning 10:15 am News Report

"Thank you for joining us for the Governor's Pres Conference. We will keep this brief. Investigation into the explosion last night, and the so-called 'Zombies' is currently underway. We will continue evacuations as already announced. If you want to volunteer to assist in evacuations, and have a 4 wheel drive vehicle, please contact your local county police communications division. The phone numbers will be shown at the bottom of your screen, and will repeat with evacuation updates throughout the day. That is all for now, we will have more information for you as we recieve it. The President will be conducting his news conference at approx 10:30. Thank you for your immediate cooperation.

Saturday Morning 10:20am Andrew's House
"Dad, I'm going to volunteer. Please don't argue." Andrew said, and got up off the couch. His dad knew arguing wouldn't deter his son. He was proud, but concerned. They still didn't know exactly what they were up against.

Saturday Morning 10:20am Xander's house
"Dude, I am TOTALLY volunteering, wonder if they will let me shoot some Zombies in the head?" Xander said to no one in particular.

Saturday Morning 10:25am Megan's house
George's lifeless body stirred. He opened his eyes. He was starving! What time was it? When was the last time he had eaten. He looked around. Where was he? Oh, right, Zombies, Megan...Megan! What they hell had happened after he hugged her? Gosh he was hungry!

He tried to jog over to the house, and knock on the door, but his feet didn't really want to move. It was like they were made of lead. His arms felt heavy, and he had a hard time raising his arm to knock.

It was like he was drugged, or something. He saw his hand, and it was white, pale, pale white. He was cold, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was hard to think. It was like his brain was made of pudding. hmmmmmmmm, brain. He shook his head to try and clear it. What was going on? Where was everyone?

Megan swung the door open, well, kind of. It was a jerky movement, and slower than usual. He tried to step up into the house, and it felt like it took forever.

"You get used to it after a few minutes." She said. There was dried red saucy stuff all over her left cheek and jawline, and her eyes were a bit glassy. She looked a bit pale too.

"What?" George asked. That mushy brained feeling was still there. hmmmmm, brain. He shook his head again.

"The slowness. It's a little annoying, but you'll get used to it quickly. Once you've had a quick meal, you'll be better too. I think the neighbor are all done, we may have to go a few blocks to get you a meal."

"Meal?" George asked, still not quite sure what was going on.

"Brains silly," Megan giggled,"Once you have a little brain, you'll feel right as rain." She giggled again. "Come on, let's go!" She took his hand, and she started to head out the door.

"Wait, your face. Is that... blood?" Things were starting to click in his brain...brain...brain. He shook his head again.

"Oh, crap, guess I have a little breakfast on my face huh? Ok, one sec" She moved fluidly into the kitchen, and washed her face in the sink. He wasn't sure, but George suspected that he had been breakfast.

"Well Come on Georgie. Let's find you a meal!" If you could bounce in slow motion, George was pretty sure that Megan was doing just that now. His head was hurting... his brain was hurting... brain... gosh he was hungry... He ambled after Megan, a meal sounded great...